Sunday, 21 November 2010

Recording feedback

Last week I experimented with recording the feedback I gave to students on my smartphone and then emailing the recording to the student. I need to gather feedback myself on whether this is useful - and whether students actually listen to it. However, in the meantime I intend to use it anyway since it doesn't take much to press record and actually allows me to listen to myself giving feedback too.

I should remember to do this with all students as I give feedback but if I'm supervising you and we are discussing something that you think you might want to listen to again at a later stage then remind me to record.

Friday, 19 November 2010


I have been involved in piloting a new website for medical and dental professionals to share their learning.

It's called TILT, which stands for "Today I Learnt That..." and I think has the potential to really help groups of clinicians with a similar interest to learn from each other.

I set up a group as part of the pilot called BLTrip and a few students and I shared some learning during the pilot. Now that the site is fully up and running I'd like to invite others to join in.