Elliot Abt from Chicago digests the study that reckoned bite-wings could cause menangioma - and spits it out in disgust. The commentary covers a number of the problems with case-control studies and reporting bias, which is an education.
There's a commentary on a systematic review that asks if asthma is associated with increased caries risk and concludes that the evidence for a link is of low quality.
A commentary on a Cochrane Review of one-to-one dietary interventions in the dental setting concludes that this can work but the evidence relates mostly to studies looking at changing fruit / vegetable and alcohol consumption than sugar intake. The original review was co-authored by one of my colleagues, which is very gratifying!
There are three articles in this issue written by Queen Mary staff: Dr John Buchanan writes about a study using a tongue protector for patients with burning mouth and Dr Simon Critchlow comments on a review of ceramic inlays. And I have written a commentary on a systematic review of ART failure rates.
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